How much does it cost to develop a community group buying mini program?

Original title: How much does it cost to develop a community group buying app? Attached is a detailed quotation for the mini program

How much does it cost to develop a community group buying app?

The current development cost on the market is between 10,000-30,000, which includes mini program malls, group leader management tools and the number of community leaders. The following is an introduction to the community group buying mini program. Detailed quotation for procedure.

How much does it cost to develop a community group buying mini program? A detailed quotation for the mini program is attached

1. The mini program certification service fee is 300 yuan. This is required for WeChat certification. The certification fee only needs to be charged once.

2. Purchase a server rental. This fee is about 1,000-10,000 per year, which mainly depends on the number of functions of the mini program mall. In the early stage of development, enterprises can purchase the basic version. When the number of users expands, server functions will be added. For example, live broadcast system, distribution system, front-end warehouse gameplay, etc.

3. Community group buying applet development costs. Since the community group buying model is relatively complex, it generally requires a professional development team and product team. Therefore, it is not recommended that companies build it themselves and find developers. For commercial development malls, the development costs range from 10,000 to 30,000.

4. The number of community stores. One store corresponds to one community leader. Some community group buying platform systems will limit the number of group leaders and members. The greater the number of community leaders, the corresponding price It will also be different.

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