Common mistakes that enterprises make when operating small programs

Mistakes that companies often make when operating small programs

Mini programs have now penetrated into all walks of life. Many companies have created WeChat mini programs and have used WeChat mini programs to obtain considerable profits. However, some companies have no profits or even losses. So what is going on? ? Here Huashang Technology will share with you the mistakes that companies often make when operating mini programs.

Common mistakes that enterprises make when operating small programs
Mini program development

What are the important factors in operating a mini program? flow? No! Personally, I feel that only the participation of users can make the mini program grow rapidly. Only by sharing and forwarding can the mini program slowly accumulate users and increase traffic, and then continue to improve the user experience, enhance users’ goodwill, and let users develop their own business. The mini program has a pleasant feeling. Only by making users feel good can they do better and go further. However, many companies have ignored this problem. The slow opening speed of mini programs, various pop-ups, lags, and various advertisements have led to the gradual loss of mini program traffic. No matter how good your products or services are, your mini programs The operation department may get involved because it makes customers feel uncomfortable when used. If the user experience is not good, they will feel disgusted with the product, and the frequency of use will be reduced, or even they will give up using it.

Another point that is also more important is that the operation of activities in the early, middle and late stages is not well controlled. There are particularities in when to do what kind of activities. However, some companies have to do it forcefully and push the wrong event at the wrong time. activities, which can sometimes be counterproductive. Therefore, you cannot do activities randomly. You must promote the right activities at the right time to achieve the desired results.

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