WeChat Mini Program Membership System Development: What are the functions of Mini Program membership management?

WeChat is a very large social traffic platform. Managing the membership system through WeChat applet can effectively attract new and retain users and maximize profit creation. More and more customers have created their own WeChat mini program membership systems.

Professional WeChat mini program membership system development company Lanchang Information Technology will talk to you: What are the functions of mini program membership management?

WeChat Mini Program Ranking
WeChat Mini Program Ranking

Several modes of mini program membership management

Points model: Make consumption plans based on members’ consumption levels, such as selling membership cards, getting points for applying for cards, redeeming points for gifts, getting 100 points for applying for a 288 yuan card, and processing A card worth 388 yuan will give you 120 points, and so on. The highest card can give you a free purchase experience, of course you have to set conditions.

Sending text messages. For active members, we must insist on long-term interaction with them. After all, these members are emotionally invested, so we should send text messages to inform members of our store. There are many new styles recently launched, welcome to try them out. Improve members’ stickiness to the store. For lost and inactive members, we need to expand new members in a targeted manner. We also need to regain lost members and use price advantages to bring back lost members.

Use invitation cards, coupons, red envelopes, etc. to activate members and actively interact with them.

Members who forward rewards to Moments can send rewards in the form of points, coupons, etc., which can be used as a voucher for deductions during settlement. Reposting to Moments can drive the launch of new member attraction activities. , thereby improving members’ consumption levels.

Merchants can display products. For example, if you sell women’s clothing, you can display women’s clothing on a mini program so that users can browse online.

Merchants can make online reservations and purchases, online consultations, online appointment services, and online orders.

Merchant can publish event discount information.

Members can check nearby stores and provide services at any time.

Merchants can manage members of their own stores and push member information conveniently and quickly.

Continue to optimize member rights and retain members

Relying on “discounts” alone cannot retain members for a long time. When members accumulate to a certain level, it is crucial to capture users’ consumption habits and interests based on member preferences, timely update dish displays, enrich the form of catering dishes, conduct publicity and display, and optimize the rights and interests of member users, so as to achieve member retention.

If you run a public account by yourself, you will regularly promote store coupons in the public account. Fans of the public account will also become members, forming a fixed consumer group. At this time, members are the most important With a precise group of consumer groups, services and products can be pushed at one touch, and the publicity effect can be doubled with half the effort.

For more information on WeChat mini program membership system development, please contact Lanchang customer service

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