What should be paid attention to in the custom development of marketing management and control applets

More and more companies have begun to develop small program applications for their own products. Each company puts forward different needs according to the characteristics of its own business operations. It must not only provide external marketing, but also open up with internal systems to form a complete set of sales from external to internal. Production process control.

What should be paid attention to in the custom development of marketing management and control applets
Small program development

For small program applications that need to cover external marketing promotion and internal process control, then custom development is more appropriate. Next, I will briefly introduce how to do a good job of custom development for such small programs.

1. The external purpose of the mini program is marketing and promotion. The core is online sales. The functions of online sales are similar, and some marketing activities such as coupons and points can be added. The interface style can be designed according to the characteristics of your own company. , External marketing and promotion are mainly these.

2. The internal process control of the mini program, such as the inventory of the mini program must be synchronized with the enterprise ERP, the order of the mini program must be synchronized with the sales order of the ERP, etc., that is to say, the user’s usage scenario of the mini program must be able to communicate with the internal The ERP is connected, the data journey is interconnected, and the whole process management from the user to the production is formed. The internal process control is mainly based on which data needs to be synchronized based on the control requirements. When the user uses the small program, the internal system can also play a control role to avoid Improve management efficiency by manually importing small programs into the internal system.

Therefore, the above are the development considerations for some companies that want to use Mini Programs to provide external marketing and internal control. I hope it can help you.

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