How does the mini program support the brand after updating its functions?

How does the latest updated function of the mini program benefit the brand?

Mini program development has become one of the preferred online platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises to build brands. Behind the recognition of many corporate merchants, it is mainly due to the WeChat development team’s continuous improvement of mini program functions and the entire WeChat sales ecological environment, making every update more Can get different help for enterprises that have settled in WeChat mini programs. How does the mini program support the brand after updating its functions?

How does the mini program support the brand after updating its functions?
Mini program

1. Direct access to Moments: This function was released in 2020 last year. The reason why it is mentioned here separately is that this updated function simplifies the “drainage” process, allowing the mini program code to be sent to WeChat Moments after it is generated. Not only The path of sharing and traffic is shortened, and the conversion rate of the mini program mall is increased through the special online social scene of Moments.

2. Push messages: Mini programs were unable to directly push messages before this, but after the function is updated around July 2020, active push will be possible, and this function will make it easier to reach WeChat users. At the same time, it can also save merchants a lot of time spent on notifications, making it easier to manage and maintain users in the mini program mall.

3. Open the traffic port: Around March 2021, the WeChat mini program team updated another function, which is to open the interface with other platforms. For example, can jump to the WeChat mini program, which also means that the public domain Traffic is imported into WeChat mini programs, which not only opens up the limitations of traditional e-commerce, but also allows mini programs to acquire customers more directly.

In addition to introducing the updated functions that are key to building a brand, the current WeChat mini program is combined with WeChat auxiliary tools such as public accounts, video accounts, and Moments to make the display of brand promotion content richer and more diverse, allowing companies to truly to brand promotion efforts without scene restrictions.

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