WeChat Mini Program Distribution System Development Company: What are the advantages of Mini Program distribution?


How distribution functions help mini program malls

After the mini program mall opens the distribution function, both users and merchants will benefit. Users will also have the opportunity to obtain rebates in addition to consumption, so they will rely more on merchants. Merchants can not only gain a highly sticky user group, but also rely on the WeChat community10 With the social advantage of 100 million users, you can enjoy the marketing results with the most reasonable input-output ratio brought by the distribution function. At a time when mobile terminals are almost universally covered, mini program malls are the best carrier to promote the development of e-commerce, and the distribution function of mini program malls is the most advantageous marketing tool of this carrier.

Lan Chang Information Technology, a professional WeChat mini program distribution system development company, will talk to you: What are the advantages of mini program distribution?

For more information on WeChat mini program distribution system development, please contact Lanchang customer service

WeChat Mini Program Distribution System
WeChat Mini Program Distribution System

1. Low threshold, stimulating the potential of full distribution

Through the settings of the distribution function in the backend of the mini program mall, we can see that the threshold for becoming a promoter is very low, and the rewards obtained by the promoter will also depend on the proportion and proportion of promotion. Depth makes a difference. The distribution function can maximize the conversion of customers or users into promoters or even distributors. Based on the interpersonal communication with the shortest path and the most stable effect, the communication effect will be more effective. Over time, it is likely to form the momentum of full distribution.

2. Low cost, controllable investment and visibility

Compared with other marketing methods, the cost of opening the distribution function of mini program mall is low. The use of mini program mall distribution is based on the reasonable use of social resources in the WeChat circle, and the customer acquisition cost is low and guaranteed. Furthermore, the commission provided by the merchant to the promoter, that is, the distributor, is calculated based on the depth and proportion of the promotion. A high commission indicates that the promoter brings higher consumption to the merchant. The actual investment of the merchant is very reasonable compared with the profit. The commission ratio for distribution is set by the merchant, who can make real-time adjustments based on the overall investment plan. The initiative lies with the merchant.

3. Support secondary distribution function to form fission communication

WeChat Mini Program Mall supports a unique fission-type secondary distribution function, which can mobilize customers and pushers to carry out fission promotion that spreads from one hundred to one hundred to one thousand. For example, A can become a distributor after purchasing goods in a mini program mall. Then A shares the mall’s mini program code with B. After B scans the code to enter the mall for consumption, A can get a commission. If B then Share the mall’s mini program code with C. After C scans the code to enter the consumption, both A and B can receive rewards. This is secondary distribution. Through the customized development of architecture technology, it is possible to achieve three-level distribution. The opening of this kind of distribution function can greatly stimulate users’ desire to become promoters. One life will produce two, and two will produce three. If this continues, fission communication can be achieved.

4. Word-of-mouth sharing, higher conversion rate

The promotion model of distribution malls is mainly based on the spread of WeChat communities. Promoters recommend products and malls to friends. This kind of word-of-mouth sharing brings people a higher sense of trust. This allows this kind of communication to continue layer by layer. With the establishment of a distribution network, not only can merchants’ sales channels be broadened, but their brand exposure can also be enhanced, and the purchase conversion rate of buyers who cooperate with in-store activities will be higher.

5. Data can be retained and marketing activities can be flexibly adjusted

It is very convenient to enter the mini program. Users’ visits to the mini program mall will be recorded, and merchants can view the user’s purchase and promotion information. The mini program mall distribution system retains the sales statistics of all orders, as well as daily statistics and monthly statistics. Merchants can master user data and marketing data at one hand, and can also analyze the distribution data when preparing marketing activities, and flexibly adjust the mall’s Marketing Plan.

For more information on WeChat mini program distribution system development, please contact Lanchang customer service

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