Baidu SEO optimization provider: What is the difference between Baidu index volume and Baidu index volume

Baidu seo optimization is simply to do a perfect optimization of the inside and outside of the website to improve the natural keyword ranking of the website in Baidu search. When a user searches for such keywords, it will appear on his search homepage. This kind of optimization is actually to help the enterprise website to obtain more traffic, enhance brand awareness, and thus promote purchasing power.

Today let’s talk about what is the meaning of Baidu index volume and Baidu index volume? Many SEO website optimization personnel are confused about the concepts of Baidu index volume and index volume, and can’t figure out what is the difference and connection between the two.

For more Baidu SEO optimization information, please contact Baidu SEO optimization supplier Xinmile customer service

What is Baidu index volume?

The official explanation given by Baidu: Index volume only refers to the total number of webpages indexed by Baidu search engine, indicating how many pages in the website can be used as search candidate results. Different webpages have different content importance and scarcity, and the probability of being displayed There is a big difference.

Many people think that the amount of indexing is the amount of indexing, or the amount of indexing is the amount of search engines included in the database, and the amount of indexing is the amount of results obtained by entering the site domain name in the search engine.

The index volume is a database formed by spiders crawling and organizing the content pages of a website. The more pages there are, the larger the database should be. Now Baidu has official tools to query the index volume data of the website. This data Relatively speaking, it is relatively accurate. Although it is not directly related to SEO, it still has a certain guiding effect on the collection.

Baidu What does indexing mean? What does Baidu indexing mean?
Baidu indexing What means?

What is Baidu Index?

Indexed volume refers to the indexed data of website pages by search engines. From the perspective of SEO, Baidu index database construction is the first step, and the second step is collection. It is a part of the index database that search engines think is suitable for release. Content pages of a certain quality, that is, the number of pages that everyone usually understands to query with the site command. Baidu officials pointed out that: the indexing status of websites queried by the site command is an estimated value, not an accurate quantity, and recommends SEO personnel to refer to Baidu index volume.

Inclusion means that each page will correspond to at least one webpage snapshot. The snapshot pages are involved in SEO ranking, so the more indexed, the more pages participating in SEO ranking. Relatively speaking, the scope of obtaining traffic is larger. Of course, How much SEO traffic you can get still depends on the ranking of the page and the popularity of keywords.

For more Baidu SEO optimization information, please contact Baidu SEO optimization supplier Xinmile customer service

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