The purpose of WeChat applet development

Original title: The purpose and function of WeChat mini program development

Main uses of WeChat mini programs:

The purpose and function of WeChat applet development

1. For personal use, WeChat mini programs are convenient and practical, and do not require the installation of so many apps, thus freeing up the memory on your mobile phone.

2. For companies, WeChat mini programs can easily reflect their own content. At the same time, mini programs can meet the needs of users of the company’s basic services.

3. WeChat mini-programs are likely to have an impact on the WeChat third-party software development platform. Therefore, many companies develop and design themselves and do not use the WeChat third-party software development platform. .

The purpose and function of WeChat applet development

WeChat mini program integrates WeChat official accounts for content marketing to attract traffic:

The essence of WeChat applet is a special tool without dissemination characteristics, while the essence of WeChat official account is to create content. Writing creative content based on the WeChat official account and presenting WeChat mini programs to customers not only increases the exposure of the content, but also attracts many potential consumer groups. The combination of WeChat mini program + WeChat official account will have better results when used on new media platforms.

WeChat group sharing and customer retention:

WeChat mini programs cannot be sent to WeChat Moments, but can be shared with WeChat chat groups and WeChat friends. WeChat chat groups are the most direct way for users to access WeChat mini programs. The title, introduction and banner image of the WeChat applet can appear at this time, which will produce a certain conversion rate.

Promotion marketing:

WeChat mini-programs have many offline promotion and application fields, and can form hundreds of thousands of QR codes with main parameters. However, the promotion and marketing methods usually used by WeChat public platforms are just right. It can be used on WeChat mini-programs, and the QR code of the WeChat mini-program can be posted offline in areas where the store is more prominent. Of course, this requires early guidance and use.

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