Popularize the cost of mini program development

Original title: Popularize the cost of mini program development

When many merchants develop a WeChat mini program, the primary issue they are often concerned about is the price. Different development companies and different needs often have different quotations. Here I hope that all customers will pay more attention to quality while caring about price. , so how much does it cost to develop a WeChat applet currently?

WeChat mini program development is nothing more than hiring people to develop, third-party customized development, and purchasing a SAAS system; no matter what kind of program you have, the more functions you have, the more expensive it will be. I hope all the sponsors and fathers know this.

1. Hire people to develop

If you hire people to develop small programs, at least 2 people: design (product design, UI design), development (backend service, front-end), this is the legendary full stack. How much does such a big guy cost per month? Please pay attention to each Big recruitment website.

2. Third-party software service provider

Third-party customized development is what everyone often calls outsourcing companies. They send project requirements, negotiate prices, and sign contracts. In the end, we don’t need to care about how many people they have to do it. We only need to care about whether they can deliver the goods within the specified time. Produce qualified products. Finally, let’s talk about the price issue that everyone is concerned about. You can calculate it based on the first point by recruiting people yourself (1/2~2/3).

3. Purchasing saas system

The last step is to purchase a Saas system, which is a system that has been built by others. You purchase the right to use it. Yes, you only have the right to use it. Generally speaking, a small program mall Saas system costs 20,000 to 30,000 (used for 3 years). about).

Popularize the cost of mini program development

Whether you are hiring people to develop, cooperate with a third party to develop, or purchase a SaaS system, you must first clarify the needs before cooperation. Therefore, it is very easy to be guided by the development company and fall into a “trap” by asking for the price. It seems that we are very unprofessional. Kanwo Technology hopes that everyone can use the mini program to get on the dividend car, attract more fans, and bring more benefits to their business.

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