H5 development is the abbreviation of HTML5 development, and HTML5 refers to the fifth version of “HTML”. However, because HTML5 rules support events such as video, audio and touch screen interaction far beyond the previous generation, H5 has gradually evolved into a dynamic page that can be displayed on the mobile terminal.
Advantages: simple development technology, short R&D cycle, low user contact cost; strong storytelling, strong sense of participation, and strong sociality.

What can H5 be used for?
The h5 page can be applied to the following scenarios:
1. HTML5 game development
For example, simple WeChat mini-games, playing airplanes, etc., as well as egret engine, cocos2d-js and so on.
2. Light application, Webapp, micro station
The website includes PC and mobile terminals, and the responsive website adapts to different terminals.
HTML5 development of mobile applications is more flexible. It is believed that light applications and WebApps using HTML5 technology will be more easily recognized and accepted by the public.
3. Development based on WeChat platform
WeChat opens JSSDK so that H5 developers can call the underlying functions to realize scan, card roll, WeChat payment, etc.
4. HTML5 mobile marketing
Gamification, sceneization, and cross-screen interaction, HTML5 technology perfectly satisfies the dreams of major advertisers. From form to function to communication, as long as you can think of it, you can’t do it without it.