What is the difference between small program and app development?

What is the difference between small programs and app development!

Comparison between mini program and APP development? Comparison of development cycles, the development cycle of mini-applications is shorter than that of APPs, because mini-programs are based on WeChat platform, payment lightweight app platform and Douyin platform APP applications, which have their own development specifications, so they are different from native ones. APP development cycle is shorter.

Comparison between small program and APP development?

Comparison of development cycles, the development cycle of mini-applications is shorter than that of APPs, because mini-programs are based on WeChat platform, payment lightweight app platform and Douyin platform APP applications, which have their own development specifications, so they are different from native ones. APP development cycle is shorter.

1. The application development cycle is equal to the cycle of developing two systems. Because it takes into account the dual system versions of iOS (Apple) and Android (Android), small program development dominates the development cycle.

2. Development price comparison. As mentioned in the first point above, factors affecting software development price and application development cycle are inconsistent. In fact, in addition to the cycle, price factors that affect software development are also important. The type of front-end that Applet may use in software development is a general front-end development engineer, but in application development, due to the limitation of dual versions, dual system front-end development engineers are required.

For example, front-end development engineers for iOS and Android use two different development languages. The development price of a small program is lower than that of an APP. The development of this small program also has certain advantages.

3. Comparison of development system functions. Although the applet is designed and developed as a new lightweight application, its functions are almost the same as those of the APP development company www.hsymr.com, but the only limitation is It is not a separate application analysis program for students, so in the development of mini programs, its functions are limited to third-party payment platforms, such as WeChat mini programs, and some of its main functions will be limited by the WeChat platform.

For example, when we develop small programs and implement payment, we must call the interface. For payment in our chat, we cannot use the Alipay payment interface. Instead, app development is functional and there are no restrictions on development with only one app store review

Of course, in addition to the above three important factors, we actually have many different advantages and disadvantages that can be compared. When companies choose development, they compare development types based on China’s own project budget and functional design requirements for the company. Only suitable The project management and development type of their own company is actually the best choice.

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